Richard T. Scanlan Graduate Teaching Assistant Fellowship


The Richard T. Scanlan Graduate Teaching Assistant Fellowship was established in honor of Richard T. Scanlan (1928–2009), Professor of Classics from 1967 to 1998. His inspired teaching went beyond the ordinary (the “Priest of Apollo” first appeared in a puff of smoke to predict the outcome of an upcoming Illini football game) and made classics relevant in students’ lives. Professor Scanlan began teaching the popular “Myth” and “Roman Civ” courses in 1972, making them among the most popular courses taught at the University of Illinois. During his service at the U of I he taught over 50,000 undergraduate students. Professor Scanlan was consistently included on the “List of Instructors Ranked as Excellent by Their Students” and received the Urbana–Champaign Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.

This fellowship is awarded annually to a graduate teacher who demonstrates a similar commitment and energy to making the classics come alive. To be considered, candidates must have completed three or more semesters of teaching before the Spring of the year in which the award is conferred. Graderships do not count towards this minimum. 

Following the Society for Classical Studies guidelines for excellence in college teaching, candidates will be evaluated for (where relevant): clear course goals in syllabi and course design that fosters higher order abilities; course materials that are structured to align with course goals and respond to different learning needs; innovative pedagogy, including creation of new materials and varied assessments; delivery that engages and excites students, while creating a safe space for learning; and regular reflection and/or ongoing professional development activities to improve as an instructor.

Finalists will be asked to submit an up-to-date CV, a teaching statement (not to exceed 1000 words), a teaching portfolio consisting of three or four distinctive items created by the candidate (if possible, with annotation), formal pedagogy programs such as CITL teaching certificates, and previous observations, if available. Observations may also be conducted by members of the Committee on Honors and Awards. ICES evaluations will not be considered.


Past Winners

2023: Amy Vandervelde & Sophia Warnement

2022: Joseph Baronovic

2021: Victoria Karnes

2020: Ky Merkley & Ashley Weed

2019: Adam Kozak & Jessica Wells

2018: Clayton Schroer

2017: Stephen Froedge

2016: Orestis Karatzoglou & Whitney McComas

2015: Sean Minion

2014: Sergio Yona