T H E C L A S S I C S D E P A R T M E N T A T I L L I N O I S offers four graduate degree programs:
- MA in Classics
- MA in Classics with Specialization in Greek(or Latin)
- MA in the Teaching of Latin (MAT)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Classical Philology (PhD)
Admission to any of our department’s graduate degree programs requires some previous knowledge of Greek and/or Latin. In general, we admit qualified applicants directly to our PhD program; you will earn the MA en route upon fulfilling all of its degree requirements. Upon request, we will admit a limited number of qualified applicants, especially those seeking teaching licensure, to a terminal MA degree program. See our department’s graduate studies handbook for further details.
Graduate students in our department enjoy numerous opportunities for interdisciplinary learning. We encourage students to take courses such as ENGL 500 (Introduction to Criticism and Research) or CWL 501 (Theory of Literature) and to consider adding to their Classics degree a certificate or graduate minor in programs such as History, Medieval Studies, the Rare Books and Manuscripts Library, Gender and Women’s Studies, or Comparative and World Literatures.
Admission to our graduate programs is handled jointly by the Classics Department, the SLCL Graduate Student Services office, and the Graduate College. You will find information for applicants, instructions, and the online application form at the Graduate College’s application website. All required materials are uploaded via the application website; please do not send them to the department. Since our department accepts applications for fall term admission only, please complete the online form for the Fall 2024 term.
The Graduate College offers a range of competitive fellowships, and the Classics Department is proud of its exceptional record of success at obtaining these fellowships for incoming graduate students.
The University offers many resources to support graduate students. A small selection can be found here..
APPLICATION DEADLINE (for full consideration for financial aid): January 3, 2024.
See also:
- Admission Requirements for M.A. in Classics
- Admission Requirements for M.A. in Classics(Greek/Latin)
- Admission Requirements for M.A. in the Teaching of Latin
- Admission Requirements for Ph.D. in Classical Philology
- Latin Certification Requirements
- Graduate Studies Handbook: MA and PhD programs in Classics
- PhD History of Greek Literature Exam: IDs
- PhD History of Latin Literature Exam: IDs