Why Study Classics


Study of the fascinatingly complex languages, literatures, and material cultures of ancient Greece and Rome provides a simultaneously broad and deep education in the liberal arts that is crucial for 21st century career paths, whatever your goals in life may be. A Classics major helps you to think critically, read attentively, argue persuasively, understand compassionately. Classics majors are especially well prepared for careers in teaching, business, law, medicine, government, publishing, and much else besides. 

Whether you choose a major or minor in our Classical Languages or our Classical Civilizations concentration (the latter with an archaeology track), or a minor in Modern Greek, or whether you just take a class or two, come study with us! You will encounter unforgettable texts like Homer’s Odyssey and Ovid’s Metamorphoses, the lyric poetry of Sappho and Catullus, powerful tragedies and delightful comedies, satires and epigrams, histories and oratory; you will learn about mythology and religion, gender and sexuality, everyday life in the ancient Mediterranean, and much more!

Also watch the video below by Mitchell Mizerek, an undergraduate senior in U of I with BA in Classics and Business.

Graduating senior Sneha Adusumilli, BA in Classics and BS in Molecular and Cellular Biology talks about her experience studying Classics and Latin at the U of I.