All Courses

CLCV 100 - Vocabulary Building from Greek and Latin Roots

Study of the Greek and Latin roots of English and vocabulary building. Analysis of Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes in variety of disciplines and fields (humanities, social sciences, mathematics, science, politics).

CLCV 102 - Medical Terms-GRK & LAT Roots

Introduction to the study of Greek and Latin medical terms in various medical fields and to the linguistic patterns governing the combination of various roots through practical application of usage.

CLCV 111 - Mythology of Greece and Rome

Study of the major myths of Greece and Rome and their impact upon later art, music, and literature. Credit is not given for both CLCV 111 and CLCV 115.

CLCV 114 - Introduction to Ancient Greek Culture

Introductory study of ancient Greek literature, art, and culture.

CLCV 115 - Mythology of Greece and Rome

Studies the major myths of Greece and Rome and their impact upon later art, music, and literature. Shares two hours of lecture with CLCV 111; additional hour of lecture-discussion for a closer analysis of topics. Credit is not given for both CLCV 115 and CLCV 111.

CLCV 116 - Introduction to Ancient Roman Culture

Introductory study of ancient Roman literature, art, and culture.

CLCV 120 - The Classical Tradition

Survey of the Greco-Roman tradition from late antiquity to the present. Examination of Greco-Roman culture in medieval Christianity and Islam, the literary tradition of the Troy tale, the rediscovery of Greek texts and the Florentine Renaissance, classical allusions in early modern literature, the foundations of modern political movements, and the persistence of the classical tradition in contemporary popular culture.

CLCV 131 - Classical Archaeology, Greece

Introduction to the archaeology of ancient Greece and the Aegean world.

CLCV 132 - Class Archaeology, Rome-Italy

Introduction to the archaeology of Italy and Rome to the fall of the Roman Empire.

CLCV 133 - Archaeology of Israel

Exploration of the archaeology and history of the Near East with a specific focus on the development of Israel. Cultures of the Near East adapted to a rapidly changing world by pioneering the world's earliest innovations in agriculture, urbanism, bronze technology, and writing. We will investigate the Near Eastern background of the Israelites and their neighbors from the beginnings of agriculture during the "Neolithic Revolution", to the formation of the world's first cities in the Bronze Age, to the archaeological remnants of the Hebrew Bible. We will investigate the ramifications of wave after wave of military conflict and how this has shaped the Middle East, including the Babylonian Exile, the conquests of Alexander the Great, and the Jewish Revolts against the Romans.

CLCV 160 - Ancient Greek & Roman Religion

Study of Greek and Roman Paganism and the rise of Christianity within that context. Readings are confined to ancient sources in English translation. Same as REL 160.

CLCV 199 - Undergraduate Open Seminar

Approved for both letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.

CLCV 203 - Ancient Philosophy

Same as PHIL 203. See PHIL 203.

CLCV 206 - Classical Allusions in Cinema

Examination of hundreds of contemporary films containing allusions to Greco-Roman antiquity. From the Matrix to Napoleon Dynamite, today's films often mention an ancient character, story or art object. These motifs are conscious and often essential to the theme of the film. We examine this interesting phenomenon by discussing film segments in class, reading about the history of the classical tradition in popular culture, and finally, forming into groups and examining specific types of films. Same as CWL 206. Prerequisite: CLCV 111 or CLCV 115 or consent of instructor.

CLCV 217 - Greek Art

Same as ARTH 215. See ARTH 215.

CLCV 220 - Exploring the Greek and Roman World

Focused study of topics in ancient Greek and Roman literature, art, archaeology, and culture in their Mediterranean context. May also explore reflections in later literature and art. Same as CWL 220. May be repeated in separate terms, if topics vary.

CLCV 221 - Odysseus and Other Heroes

Study of the heroes of ancient epics in relation to the cultures in which they were produced, taking Homer’s Odyssey as the point of departure and including near eastern heroes such as Gilgamesh, as well as female heroes such as Helen and Penelope; focuses on the epic and tragic tradition of ancient heroes and their successors. Same as CWL 263. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor.

CLCV 222 - Introduction to Greek and Roman Theater

Survey of Greek and Roman theater; analysis of scripts, productions, and theatrical artifacts as reflections of ancient politics, social climate, gender roles and religious beliefs. Same as CWL 264 and THEA 210. Prerequisite: Completion of the Composition I requirement.

CLCV 224 - Greco-Roman Antiquity and US Minority Cultures

Engagements with ancient Greece and Rome by Native American, African American, Latino, Asian American, or other racially or ethnically minoritized writers, artists, or filmmakers. Topics may include the varying roles of Greco-Roman antiquity in U.S. discourses of race and ethnicity, indigeneity, migration, colonialism, and slavery.

CLCV 225 - Greco-Roman Demo, Econ, Cult

Greco-Roman Democracies, Economic Policies, and Cultures: Examines the ancient city-states of Athens and Rome; the creation, development and demise of their democratic governments, the relationship between their democracies and militarized empires as well as their economics and fiscal policies; and how these influenced or were represented by their cultural products - including literature, architecture, sculpture, and coinage. Examines the influence of Greco-Roman culture and political institutions on late-medieval and neo-Roman Renaissance city-states, as well as on the foundation of the United States.

CLCV 230 - Ancient Engineering

Technologies are the result of compounded science – years, decades, and centuries of experimentation, entrepreneurship, and incremental successes. For example, prehistoric smiths first recognized that ores could be reduced to copper metal, and thousands of years later, innovators realized that this same metal could conduct electricity. Both inventions revolutionized society in their time, and continue to impact us every day. In this course, we will not only study ancient technologies and paleoscience, but will employ state-of-the-art materials science laboratory techniques to study artifacts recovered from archaeological excavations. By engaging directly with the materials of the past, we will generate knowledge rooted in historical sciences, while gaining an appreciation of the social processes underlying the very design principles that are still used by engineers today.

CLCV 231 - Development of Ancient Cities

Monuments, archaeological remains, and histories illustrating the development of the earliest states and urban centers of the Ancient Mediterranean, including Athens, Rome, Carthage, and Jerusalem. Same as JS 231. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor.

CLCV 232 - Ancient Greek Sanctuaries

Survey of the archaeological remains of ancient Greek sanctuaries and their importance to ancient society and religion. Same as ARTH 218, and REL 232. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor.

CLCV 240 - Gender & Sexuality in Greco-Roman Antiquity

Study of gender and sexuality in Greco-Roman antiquity. Readings from ancient texts in English translation across a wide range of genres, including epic and lyric poetry, tragedy and comedy, love elegy, epigram, prose fiction, oratory, historiography, biological and medical writing, philosophy; art and material culture; select readings from scholarship. Same as CWL 262 and GWS 240.

CLCV 250 - Sports and Society in Greece and Rome

Introduces the role of sports in ancient Greek and Roman society. We will cover the period from roughly 3000 B.C.E. to the sixth century C.E., from the Bronze Age to the rise of Christianity and the decline of Greek and Roman sanctuaries. Because sports touched the lives of almost everyone in ancient Greece and Rome, we will also have a chance to study the full and vibrant diversity of ancient Mediterranean societies in terms of gender, race, class, and numerous other factors that have historically received less attention than they deserve in scholarship and in the classroom.

CLCV 323 - The Comic Imagination

Study of Greek and Roman comedies in their historical context, with attention to formal elements, stylistic features, aspects of performance and central themes and ideas. Same as CWL 322 and THEA 323. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of the instructor.

CLCV 410 - Ancient Egyptian & Greek Arch

Same as ARCH 410. See ARCH 410.

CLCV 411 - Ancient Roman Architecture

Same as ARCH 411. See ARCH 411.

CLCV 430 - History of Translation

Same as CWL 430, ENGL 486, GER 405, SLAV 430, SPAN 436, and TRST 431. See SLAV 430.

CLCV 440 - Roman Republic to 44 B C

Same as HIST 440. See HIST 440.

CLCV 443 - The Archaeology of Greece

Monuments, material remains, and sculpture and other arts illustrating the development of Greek civilization to 323 B.C. Same as ARTH 415. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: A course in ancient history, art, or language, or consent of instructor.

CLCV 444 - The Archaeology of Italy

Monuments, material remains, and sculpture and other arts illustrating the development of Greco-Roman and other ancient Italian civilizations to 330 A. D. Same as ARTH 416. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: A course in ancient history, art, or language, or consent of instructor.

CLCV 450 - Classics Internship

Provides college credit for a student's internship experience in a field directly related to Classics (including but not limited to any related fields to Classical Civilization, Classical/Mediterranean Archaeology, Classical Languages, site analysis of Study Abroad related to Greece/Italy). Students are required to find their own internship opportunity as well as a faculty supervisor during the term in which they are enrolled for the course. 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Approved for Letter and S/U grading. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 6 credits. Prerequisite: At least 2 courses in Classics or consent of faculty supervisor and the Director of Undergraduate Studies. Restricted to Classics Majors.

CLCV 490 - Topics in Classical Literature

Study of selected topics in Greek and Latin literature in translation; content is variable. Same as CWL 490. 3 or 4 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. May be repeated. Prerequisite: A 200-level classical civilization course or consent of instructor.

CLCV 491 - Topics Classic Arch & Civ

Study of selected topics; variable content. 3 or 4 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

CLCV 492 - Senior Thesis

Thesis and honors; for candidates for departmental distinction in classical civilization and for other seniors. 2 to 4 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: Senior standing and consent of Classics Honors Program.

CLCV 493 - Independent Reading

Reading in selected fields in consultation with the instructor. 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. 1 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated up to 8 hours if topics vary. Prerequisite: 9 hours of CLCV classes. For majors and minors only.

CLCV 515 - Seminar in Ancient Art

Same as ARTH 515. See ARTH 515.

CLCV 520 - Seminar in Class Archaeology

Problems in classical archaeology. Various topics in all fields of classical archaeology such as ancient topography, agricultural practices, ancient industries and crafts, and trade patterns as documented by pottery, will be offered in separate terms. Same as ARTH 520. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Classics, Art History, Anthropology, Architecture, or History, or consent of instructor.

CLCV 550 - Intro to Teaching of Classics

An introduction, designed for Classics Teaching Assistants, to teaching ancient Greek, Latin, and Classical Civilization courses. Prerequisite: Appointment as a Teaching Assistant in Classics or consent of instructor.