08/24/2020 - Whether you are joining us on campus or off, we want to provide you with all the neccessary information you need to maximize your academic experience this semester. Need help with registration?...
08/20/2020 - All undergraduate students in Classics courses (Civilization, Greek, Latin, Modern Greek) are welcome to use resources made available by the Department such as tutoring and advising. For advising,...
07/30/2020 - Prof. John Kevin Newman, Professor Emeritus of Classics at Illinois, died on Sunday, July 26, 2020, at the age of 91. Prof. Newman taught at Illinois from 1969 for 31 years until his retirement. He...
06/04/2020 - The Department of the Classics once again condemns the virulent anti-black racism that continues to plague our country and our world. We endorse the messages published by the...
05/29/2020 - Professor Hadjipolycarpou's proposal for a Provost's Faculty Retreat Grant was selected out of 31 proposals evaluated by a subcommittee of the Teaching Advancement Board. The grant Professor...
- Professor Brian Walters featured on Illinois News for the Campus Award for Excellence in Instruction
05/19/2020 - Professor Brian Walters was featured on Illinois News for the Campus Award for Excellence in Instruction. You can find the full story here.
05/18/2020 - We celebrated our students' and faculty's achievements on Zoom on Friday, May 15! Here is a pdf of...
05/06/2020 - Professor Clara Bosak-Schroeder's new book is featured on Illinois News. Clara's book examines how ancient Greek writing helps us understand today’s environmental crises. Click...
03/27/2020 - A message to Classics majors and minors from Prof. Brian Walters, Director of Undergraduate Studies: First of all, I hope that you and all your loved ones are well. As we continue to get used to...
03/17/2020 - Apply here by June 30, 2020 (11:59 pm). For more information, see go the...
03/12/2020 - As per the University's mandate, the Department of the Classics will cancel all face-to-face courses by March 13, 2020. After spring break, on March 23, courses will be taught via alternative, online...
03/02/2020 - Brian Walters' new book "The Deaths of the Republic: Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome" was just published by Oxford University Press. More information can be found...
02/07/2020 - The Department of Classics has received an estate gift of $750,000 from alumna Barbara Wallach (MA, ’70; PhD, ’74, classics) an emerita associate professor of classical studies at the University of...
02/07/2020 - Congratulations to Professor Brian Walters who will receive both the distinguished and highly competitive 2019-20 LAS Dean's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and the Campus Award for...
01/30/2020 - The News Gazette published a tribute to Professor Scanlan's Mythology class, taught for generations of students at Illinois. The full story is found...