Virtual Classics Advising for Summer and Fall 2020

Virtual Classics Advising for Summer and Fall 2020

A message to Classics majors and minors from Prof. Brian Walters, Director of Undergraduate Studies:


First of all, I hope that you and all your loved ones are well. As we continue to get used to this new lifestyle of keeping our distance and meeting remotely, I wanted to let you know that I am still available for advising on courses and registration for Summer and Fall 2020, discussing your progress to degree, or any of the other ususal classics-related questions.

If you would like to make an appointment, please email me. If your questions are short or relatively straightforward, or if you just want to touch base about your plans to let me know that you are set for Fall semester, we can do this entirely over email. If you would like to discuss something in greater detail, I would be happy to set up a Zoom meeting so that we can talk face-to-face, or screen-to-screen as the case may be.

Please stay healthy and safe, and see you soon (or soonish, I hope).