11/13/2023 - Dan Leon, Associate Professor in the Classics Department, is a member of the joint committee of the American Classical League and the Society for Classical Studies charged with revising the 2010 ...
11/01/2023 - Students take to Athens for service-learning course with help of Reveliotis Scholarship. For more information, click...
09/25/2023 - Professor Antony Augoustakis co-edits volume on the poetics of Statius’ Silvae with Prof. Carole Newlands (University of Colorado Boulder) in honor of M. C. J. Putnam’s (Brown University)...
08/23/2023 - Kostas Arampapaslis (Ph.D. Classical Philology, 2019), Stephen Froedge (Ph.D. Classical Philology, 2020), Clayton Schroer (Ph.D. Classical Philology, 2020) co-edited a volume on the...
07/28/2023 - Through the "Illinois in Athens" program, administered by LAS International Programs in cooperation with the Classics Department, Illinois students can spend the Fall, Spring, or the entire academic...
07/14/2023 - The Classics Department is accepting applications for the M.A. in the Teaching of Latin program to start in the spring semester of 2024. The deadline for full consideration for financial aid is...
05/25/2023 - On a beautiful Illinois spring day, Classics Department graduate Teaching Assistants Eleonora Mylli and Panagiotis Sotiroudis took students in their discussion sections of the popular lecture course...
04/27/2023 - Prof. Craig Williams was recently honored with a Short-Term Whitney J. Oates Fellowship in the Humanities Council and Department of Classics at Princeton University. While visiting Princeton, he gave...
03/27/2023 - UIUC undergraduates, Tallulah Trezevant and Stefanie Morrison, presented research papers at the 95th Annual Eta Sigma Phi Classics Honors Society Convention that took place at Monmouth College (March...
03/27/2023 - Following up on the success of last year’s staged reading of Nambi E. Kelly’s Xtigone, Prof. Angeliki Tzanetou has continued a collaboration between the Classics Department, the Krannert...
03/20/2023 - Prof. Craig Williams recently gave the keynote lecture at the 27th annual University of Virginia Classics graduate student colloquium (Charlottesville VA, March 18, 2023). This year's colloquium was...
03/10/2023 - Classics graduate student Ky Merkley has been awarded a 2023-2024 fellowship at the university's Humanities Research Institute. Merkley, who is writing a PhD dissertation entitled "Trans History From...
01/23/2023 - In partnership with Radboud University and Anchoring Innovation (Netherlands), Newcastle University (UK), and St. Andrews University (UK), Prof. Augoustakis represented the University of Illinois at...
12/13/2022 - Prof. Augoustakis was recently interviewed by Dania de la Hoyas, Communication Coordinator for SLCL. Here is the interview:...
12/13/2022 - The most recent issue of Illinois Classical Studies, an international peer-reviewed journal housed in the department since 1976, has been published: Volume 47.1 (Spring 2022), edited by...