Contact Information
4070 Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics Building
707 S Mathews Ave
M/C 174
Urbana, IL 61801
707 S Mathews Ave
M/C 174
Urbana, IL 61801
Distinguished Graduate Fellow in Humanities and Arts
Joe is a fourth year Ph.D. student from St. Charles, MO, just north of St. Louis. Joe fell in love with Greek mythology at age six when he read D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths. That weekend Joe confused his mom by telling her that laundry was a Sisyphean task. He made sure he went to a high school that taught Latin and pursued a degree in Classics at Creighton University in Omaha, NE. While at Creighton, he attended the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies, a study abroad program based in Rome, in Spring 2016. After working for two years immediately after undergrad, Joe returned to Classics, enrolling in the graduate program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Research Interests
- Late Republican and early Imperial Roman history
- Suicide and mental health in Greek and Latin literature
- Games and game culture in the ancient world
- Modern reception of antiquity (particularly in tabletop, role-playing, and video games)
- Gamification of Latin pedagogy
Awards and Honors
- Verse Composition Prize, 2023
- Richard T. Scanlan Graduate Teaching Assistant Fellowship, 2022
- Distinguished Graduate Fellowship in the Humanities and Arts, 2019
Courses Taught
- CLCV 115: Mythology of Classical Greece and Rome
- CLCV 224: American Race and Ethnicity in the Classical Tradition
- LAT 101: Elementary Latin I
- LAT 102: Elementary Latin II