Classical Languages Minor (Ancient Greek, Modern Greek, Latin)

Students can choose from three tracks in the Classical Languages Minor: Ancient Greek, Modern Greek, or Latin. The Minor Form has to be completed with the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

1. Ancient Greek Track

GRK 101, Elementary Greek I, is a prerequisite for subsequent GRK courses and does not count toward the 18 hours for the minor.

Course List
Class Title Hours
GRK 102 Elementary Greek II 4
GRK 201 Classical & Koine Greek I 4
GRK 202 Classical & Koine Greek II 4
6 hours in GRK courses at the 400-level, chosen from the following: 6

GRK 401

Survey of Greek Literature  

GRK 411

Greek Prose Composition  

GRK 491

Readings in Greek Literature  

GRK 493

Independent Reading  
Total Hours 18

2. Modern Greek Track

GRKM 201 Elementary Modern Greek I (prerequisite for subsequent GRK courses; does not count toward the 18 hours)

Course List
Code Title Hours
GRKM 202 Elementary Modern Greek II 5
GRKM 403 Intermediate Modern Greek I 4
GRKM 404 Intermediate Modern Greek II 4
5 hours in courses in Modern Greek language, literature, or culture, chosen from the following: 5

CLCV 120

The Classical Tradition  

GRKM 199

Undergraduate Open Seminar  

GRKM 453

Advanced Modern Greek I  

GRKM 454

Advanced Modern Greek II  

GRKM 492

Senior Thesis  

GRKM 493

Independent Reading  
Total Hours 18

3. Latin Track

LAT 101, Elementary Latin I is a prerequisite for subsequent Latin courses and does not count toward 18 hours for the minor.

Class Title Hours
LAT 102 Elementary Latin II 4
LAT 201 Intermediate Latin 4
LAT 202 Intro to Latin Literature 4
6 hours in Latin courses at the 400-level from the following: 6

LAT 401

Survey of Latin Literature  

LAT 411

Intermediate Prose Composition  

LAT 460

Medieval Latin  

LAT 491

Readings in Latin Literature  

LAT 493

Independent Reading  
Total Hours 18