Contact Information
4050 Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics Building
707 S Mathews Ave
M/C 174
Urbana, IL 61801
707 S Mathews Ave
M/C 174
Urbana, IL 61801
Office Hours
Every Friday 3P.M. or by appointment.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Jeffery is a 3rd year Graduate student at the University of Illinois. Originally from Southern Utah, Jeff has complete his B.A. in Upstate New York.
Research Interests
- Race and Ethnicities in Classics
- Religion
- Teaching and Education
B.A. in Classical Languages Hamilton College (2021)
M.A.T. (Teaching of Latin) student in Classics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (in progress)
Awards and Honors
The Winchell Prize in Greek recipient (2021 Hamilton College)
The Hawley Prizes in Greek recipient (2020 Hamilton College)
Teacher Ranked as Excellent U of I (F21', SP22', F22', SP23')
Courses Taught
- CLCV115, Mythology of Greece and Rome (discussion section TA)
- CLCV224, Race and Ethnicities in the Classical Tradition (Discussion Section Head TA)